Friday, July 16, 2010


Ok, so I am aware that I have not technically abided by the "30 Day Challenge" rules. It has been a pretty crazy week, to say the lesst. I have been busy at work, and I have had some growing moments. This week, I have trusted the Lord to teach me through certain situations I have had to face. I probably have not handled everything perfectly, but I have tried and am learning from it. It is good to know that God is faithful and He is always with us, no matter what we face. I may blog a little about that later.

On to day six of "The Challenge".

One of the most remarkable times in my life came while I was in the Philippines. I had the honor of taking a two week trip to the beautiful Philippines. I went with BTEA (Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association). Do not misunderstand, the whole experience was amazing. To go somewhere where you preach to people who may have never heard of the sacrifice that Jesus made for them. Never heard of a loving God that wants nothing but a personal relationship with them. With that said, I had a lot of incredible moments. But, I am going to share one with you now.

I was preaching at an elementary school one morning. You would be amazed at how the children hang onto every word you say! But we always made a point to tell them that if they accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, then even if I never see them again on this earth, we will see them in Heaven! I had finished preaching and gave the invitation for them to accept Jesus. We were walking to the Jeepney and here come a whole crowd of children yelling, "We will see you in Heaven, we will see you in Heaven."

My heart melted. I realized that they really do get it! They just heard about the greatness of our God, and are now on a journey with Him. They will never forget the American girl that shared the gospel at their school!!! They new they were on their way to Heaven to spend an eternity with the Lord. It was the best feeling ever!!!! I could do that for the rest of my life and be completely satisfied!!! God is faithful!! That will never change!

Right now, there is a team in the Philippines sharing the Gospel. Please be praying for them. God is moving, we need to jump into the movement!!

In His service,